Best Family Photos of 2019 | New Orleans Family Photogapher

Best of family photography

I’m a little behind all of the top ten lists that come out for the Best of 2019 at the New Year.  But I believe it’s never too late to look back at some of the best family photos of 2019.

Last year I was able to be a part of so many wonderful moments in families’ lives. I watched them celebrate new beginnings, new puppies, new siblings, and new homes. To me, the best family photography is about connections and last year had no shortage of great moments.

Best of family photography

First, a connection to your community. New Orleans is such a unique place to raise a child. Having photos of your little ones in landmark settings such as City Park, the French Quarter or on a New Orleans streetcar provides a window back to their childhoods in this incredibly vivid, one-of-a-kind city. As does a photo session where we roam a well-loved neighborhood such as Bayou St. John, the Lower Garden District and the Bywater. 

Best of New Orleans Family PhotographyThen there’s your connection to your family home. It was a privilege to capture memories of kids jumping on their parents’ giant beds, playing hide-and-seek in their shared bedrooms or spending quiet moments in their lovingly designed nurseries.


Best of family photography New Orleans

And of course, connection also means to your family. As I watch a family, I’m always looking for a little insight into how sibling dynamics play out and how best to show their relationships. Often, the middle child is a little quiet and shy. The polite oldest child often keeps everyone in check. And the exuberant younger child hopes to get a little bit of attention. Sometimes, dad’s not as enthusiastic about doing a photo shoot. But when he sees how a family photo session can be fun, carefree and candid, he gets on board.

Best of New Orleans Family PhotographyAnd then there’s mom – always ready with a feel-better hug and a snack. I salute you! You’re just asking your children to sit still for one second and look at the camera, so you can have great photos of everyone together. And you make it happen!

Best of New Orleans Family PhotographyI’m grateful every day that this is my job and passion. As I celebrate my 10th year in business with Twirl Photography, I’m taking my own moment to look back at the last year. Professionally and personally, this year was a busy one filled with meaningful days that seemed to fly by.

Best of New Orleans Family PhotographyAs a parent, I too want to stop time. Photography has that power, and I’m grateful to have the skill, training and passion for a lifelong career as a photographer. I look at these images of families and say, “Oh yes, that happens to me all the time.” I see things that my own children do: that little bit of willfulness, those deep-rooted friendships, that sibling competition, an ever-present dad admiration (come on, he never has the snacks!) – and an often overwhelming love.

These are my favorite moments from 2019 because it’s never too late to look back before you move forward. Make sure to check out the video at the bottom to see more. And please contact me about the memories you want to capture in 2020!

Best of Family Photography New Orleans

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New Orleans Family Photographer
